Everyone has things they’re really smart about. Most people understand that there are times it’s better to bring a professional in than attempt doing something they don’t understand or have the training or experience to accomplish. For example, I love my dog Daisy...
If you live in the Upper Midwest, you’re probably all too familiar with the late winter/early spring additional season known as pothole season. Potholes occur for a number of reasons, but one of the most common is the winter/spring thaw/freeze cycle. It’s been...
When it comes to content, whether print or digital, B2B or B2C, most publishing groups use editorial style guides. This has nothing to do with fashion, but it definitely has something to do with looks—it’s all about how your content looks to readers, and how they in...
We recently published a post about style guides. But if you’re wondering, why bother? We have some answers for that too. Perhaps the most important answer is a short one: It helps your organization protect its brand, whether nonprofit or for-profit. Consider...
Hands down, the largest factor in what content costs is the amount of time it takes to produce it. That doesn’t necessarily mean that a short article or blog post will automatically be less expensive than a longer case study or whitepaper, though. That’s where other...