Are you considering developing an online course based on your expertise to develop a new source of income? This is an increasingly popular option, especially for people who want to find new avenues to promote their subject matter expertise and perhaps build a new...
I’ve done a fair amount of writing for children in the form of K-12 curricula and related training materials for afterschool programs and for a children’s educational book publisher. People often wonder what it’s like writing for kids and how it differs from writing...
Those of you reading this who live in the Upper Midwest already know what a dismally late spring we had. Here in Minnesota, we’d get little teasers of warmth and sunshine, then boom—wind, snow, cold, and graupel. No wonder we rejoice when that 10-day forecast no...
There’s a lot of chatter about branding in marketing circles these days, to the point where it might sound like corporate jargon. But lingo of the day aside, branding isn’t a new concept. It’s also not an easily quantified tangible item, but it is a critically...
When it comes to content, whether print or digital, B2B or B2C, most publishing groups use editorial style guides. This has nothing to do with fashion, but it definitely has something to do with looks—it’s all about how your content looks to readers, and how they in...
We recently published a post about style guides. But if you’re wondering, why bother? We have some answers for that too. Perhaps the most important answer is a short one: It helps your organization protect its brand, whether nonprofit or for-profit. Consider...
oThere are many reasons to hire a project manager to complete projects on time and on budget. Project size doesn’t matter; even small projects can benefit when existing staff don’t have the bandwidth to manage them. Here are some primary reasons for hiring this...
When was the last time you Googled something? How long did it take you to decide some websites weren’t right for you? Website visitors take an average of 15 seconds or less to decide to leave a site and look for another one. If your site’s analytics show that most...
Hands down, the largest factor in what content costs is the amount of time it takes to produce it. That doesn’t necessarily mean that a short article or blog post will automatically be less expensive than a longer case study or whitepaper, though. That’s where other...
If you’ve needed to get estimates for print and/or web design work, you know that estimates can vary greatly. That’s because numerous factors affect the bottom line. This also explains why experienced web designers won’t just quote a price off the top of their...