Creative Insights
Learn more about what’s happening in the worlds of design, content, marketing, event planning, and project management. The Solberg Creative team has experience, expertise—and opinions. Follow us and contact us with questions or for more information.

When You Bring in the Professionals
Everyone has things they’re really smart about. Most people understand that there are times it’s better to bring a professional in than attempt doing something they don’t understand or have the training or experience to accomplish. For example, I love my dog Daisy...

Making Your Style Guide Flexible—and Inclusive
I’m a big fan of style guides and have been for my entire career. I think overall, they help organizations create a sense of professionalism and convey a uniformity that doesn’t jolt the reader with missteps. (You can find more of my general thoughts about style...

Teaching the Joy of Swimming
Carrie Stolar is Solberg Creative’s marketing strategist, project manager, and event planner. As if that wasn’t enough to keep her busy, she has a passion that drives her out of bed at unholy hours of the morning: She coaches adult swimming through her association...

Event Planning 101
When we say that Solberg Creative does event planning, we don’t necessarily mean any kind of event. Fun as they are, we don’t plan birthday parties (largely because we don’t work with clowns. Or ponies). But if you’re looking for help with corporate or charity events,...

7 Tips When Designing for Kids
When approaching graphic design, it’s crucial to understand who your audience is. The colors and fonts you choose, the amount of white space you need, the types of images you might add are all influenced by who’s likely going to view them. That’s especially true when...

We Know Who the Experts Are
And, perhaps most importantly, we know when we’re not the experts. Why does that matter? Because we want to make sure all the work we do is accurate and reflects up-to-the-minute research and data. Especially in our work involving education, whether we’re educating...

Solberg Creative: Your Marketing Pothole Solution
If you live in the Upper Midwest, you’re probably all too familiar with the late winter/early spring additional season known as pothole season. Potholes occur for a number of reasons, but one of the most common is the winter/spring thaw/freeze cycle. It’s been...

Passionate About Nonprofits
The recent arrival of Valentine's day reminded us of love and passion, and the different things we all love. So we thought this month we’d explore things that those of us at Solberg Creative love. While we’re all happily married, we thought we’d take a different...

Building Online Courses: A Case Study
Maria Reitan had a problem of the desirable variety: She had experience in a specific area that proved to be valuable to others. Specifically, she’d made a dramatic career transition, leaving the world of broadcast news after 15 years and successfully transitioning to...

Solberg Creative: Not Just for Long-Term Projects
Every business faces challenges when employees want or need time off. Whether it's the December holidays, winter or summer vacations, cold and flu season rearing its ugly head, maternity and paternity leave--these are all things that can cause your marketing...