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Contact Us

Questions? Inquiries? Estimate requests? Send them our way.

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How can we help you?

We all work remotely. That means we check our email constantly (when not in meetings or meeting deadlines, of course). Questions? Inquiries? Estimate requests? Send them our way, and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

And, sadly, we have to protect against bots, hence the math problem at the bottom of the form.

5 + 9 =

Looking for work?

We’ve all been there at some point or another. Sadly, our team slate is currently full. But we’d still like to help. Here are some links to organizations that may have tips and leads.


AIGA Minnesota:

Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association:

Content and Editorial:

Professional Editors Network:

Minnesota Media & Publishing Association:

Planning and Implementation:

Minnesota Festivals & Events Association:

Project Management Institute, Minnesota Chapter: